Things to Carry

Things to carry for tours
The following can be useful if you can bring along for tours in Bhutan:
* Warm clothing
* Sun glasses
* Sunscreen ointments
* Camera & batteries
* Basic medicine that you use
* Flash lights
* Raincoat/Umbrella during May, June, July
Following to be carried during trekking in Bhutan
* Warm clothing
* Trekking shoes
* Warm socks, gloves, cap
* Sunscreen & skin care ointments
* Sleeping bag, pillow cover
* Walking sticks
* Camera & batteries
Contact Details
Mobile: +975-77389248/17307501
Tele/Fax: +975-2-334921
[email protected]
[email protected]
Norling building,
P.O Box: 946,
Thimphu, Bhutan